Four issues with Donald Trump as US President

Here are my four issues concerning Donald Trump and why I feel that he was not appropriate to be President of the United States. 

1. A life spent in pursuit of private wealth and influence, not in public service.
Trump was raised in a wealthy family and is wealthy himself. His whole life has been spent in pursuit of private wealth and influence and not in 'public service', a commitment to create as much good for as many as possible. The 'centre of gravity' for Trump is private wealth and influence -private good. (This does not mean to say that just because someone is in public service that they are necessarily altruistic either. However, the structures and context of public service institutions are oriented toward public good and service.)

2. A member of an elite, wealthy class that is incapable of adequately representing and advocating for diverse interests.
In keeping with his position within the elite, wealthy class, Trump has no understanding (nor, it appears, does he want to understand) the diverse realities that the majority of people experience (race, culture, class, poverty, migration, education etc etc). It is not that he doesn't understand that people have different realities, it's just that he does not care for them let alone advocate for them. (see point 4 below)

(One of the features of Trump's electoral success was to convince people who were not wealthy and privileged like him that he had their best interests at heart when he did not. Trump's overall goal in his political life, it appears to me, is to secure power at all costs - why else would he fight the outcome of this election with baseless allegations of 'voter fraud' (among other things). Trump belongs to the wealthy elite (as much as he says that he does not) and he serves that elite.)

3. Lack of basic capabilities to do the job of President.
It seemed like almost everyday we heard stories of Trump's inability to do even the most basic tasks asked of a President - reading briefing papers, analysing issues, communicating and more. His handling of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 was woeful and was made more so by the clear abrogation of responsibility (by downplaying the seriousness of the pandemic and then blaming others for failures that occurred).

4. Serious questions regarding his moral character and worldview.
There are so many things to say here about flaws in his moral character. Here are a few:
  • his views about and behaviour toward women (numerous extra-marital affairs, paying off a porn star, misogynistic language and so much more)
  • his views on race, racism, white supremacy and the like (see his response to the Charlottesville incident, the 'birther' conspiracy, the 'Central Park Five' and more)
  • his assault on truth and attacks on the media (the phrases 'fake news' and 'alternative facts' are synonymous with the Trump presidency)
There are more. All of these issues, I think, come out of his basic worldview which, it seems to me, is based on two core beliefs:

1. In this world, there are winners and losers.

2. Trump is always a winner. 

And so he has spent his entire life living according to this view of life and reality. To him, these ideas are inviolate - so inviolate that even the truth itself can be bent in service of them.

(If some people are victimised, oppressed, do not attain the 'American dream', that is to say, if some people are losers, well, in Trump's world, that maybe too bad, but that's just the way things are. Consequently, In Trump's world, there is no room for empathy, compassion, concern for one's fellow (wo)man etc.)

Now that Trump has been defeated, this does not mean that Trumpism has been defeated. It is just as strong and virulent as ever, given the fact that over 70million Americans voted for Trump. Additionally, Biden is not necessarily the best alternative either. Whilst I am pleased that Trump has been defeated, there is still much division in the US and I do not know whether Biden has the ability to heal those rifts. I also recognise that Biden is wealthy and privileged too - but at least he has spent a life in public service. And there are some genuine issues with Democratic party as to whether they really are the party 'of the people'. So, here's a thought... Biden should retire and maybe Kamala Harris should become President. At least we would have a woman and a woman of colour as President... she couldn't do worse than Trump. Probably do a whole lot better.


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