
Ko te korero tara tenei mo Rona. I tetahi po atarau ka haere a Rona ki te
utu wai; e mau ana i te ringa, te kete, he taha i roto. I te haerenga atu ki te
wai ka taka te marama ki tua ki te kapua, rokohanga iho he ara kino, a, tutuki
noa te wae ki nga rakau. No konei, ka riri ia, a, e anga ana ka kanga ki te ma-
rama, ka mea ake, "Pokohua marama te puta mai koe kia marama." Ka riri i
konei te marama ki te mahi a Rona ka rere iho ia ki raro ka mau ki a Rona. Ka
pupuri a Rona ki te rakau e tupu ana i te taha o te awa, otiia, hutia ana te rakau
haere katoa nga pakiaka, kahaki tonu atu i a Rona, te rakau, me tana taha wai.
Ka taria nei te hokinga o Rona ki te kainga ka haere ki te whakatau. Rapu
nei, rapu nei, ka pa te karanga, "E Rona, e Rona keihea koe?" Ka kara nga
iho tera, "E! tenei au te kake nei i roto i te marama, i te whetu."

Taken from 'Maori Mementos; being a series of Addresses, presented by the native people to His Excellency Sir George Grey, Governor of the Cape of Good Hope and late Governor of New Zealand; with introductory remarks and explanatory notes, to which is added a small collection of Laments, etc' by Charles Oliver Davis, Williamson and Wilson 1885, p. 167. 


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