Is Io a pre-European tradition?
From time to time, I am asked whether I believe Io to be a pre-European tradition or not. Here are my thoughts: I am open to the idea that the Io tradition does have a history prior to the arrival of the European to Aotearoa-New Zealand. Given the multiplicity of atua in the traditional Māori pantheon, it is likely that someone, somewhere was inspired enough to conceive of one, overall and superior atua. My question, however, is this: can we be finally conclusive and definitive about it? Is it possible to finally prove that Io is pre-European? In my view, I don't think so. As I say, I am open to the possibility. I am just doubtful whether we can prove the Io tradition to be pre-European - it could be, it might not be. I have found that evidence asserting Io as a pre-European tradition is unconvincing and occasionally disappointing. For example, Michael Shirres (who I met and knew) relied solely on the work and evidence of my granduncle Māori Marsden in his book He Tangata. He does...