Insulting column by Bob Jones

Far out Bob Jones is insulting! The idea that any gains or improvements that Māori have made since the 19th century are entirely as a result of Pākehā generosity is ignorant. And the idea that Māori exist today because of their Pākehā whakapapa (when clearly both is the case) is offensive. 

The old hackneyed argument that ‘there are no pure Māori in the world today’ is used (yet again) here by Jones as the reason why Māori ought to feel grateful to Pākehā. We only exist because of Pākehā - a view also promulgated by Hobson’s Choice. 

This is deeply offensive as - we can infer from Jones's comments - that he believes there is nothing of value to be found in a person’s Māori identity, history, culture and experience. The only thing of value, that modern Māori ought to be grateful for, is what the Pākehā world has given him/her - language, culture, values, prosperity, their very existence.

I really hate this kind of veiled (and not so veiled) racism because as I respond to it, I see that my words may make me look like I’m jumping to the defence of my Māori identity and that I do not value my Pākehā identity. I want to make clear - I am not like Bob Jones. I love my Māori and Pākehā identity equally, I love both sides of my family equally. There are things about the Māori world which I love and there are things in the Māori world which drive me nuts. Equally, there are things about the Pākehā world I adore and there are things that are infuriating!

I find it remarkable when wealthy, privileged people (like Jones) feel upset about the world, that they are somehow ‘hard done by’, that the world is not going as they would wish. Given their wealth, their privilege, their enormous and numerous opportunities to influence the world, I find it remarkable that they think they are the victim somehow.

Finally, I have never understood the 'there are no pure Māori in the world anymore' argument. I find it amusing that those who continue to assert this view feel that they have some kind of 'trump card' which successfully invalidates  Māori initiatives, such as Treaty of Waitangi claims. The fact that my Mum is Pākehā (and who I love very much) does not erase the fact that I am also a descendant of Marutūahu, of Tamaterā and Whanaunga, of Raukawa, of Ngā Puhi etc, that I am a product of that heritage just as much as I am a product of my mother's heritage (I am named after my French great-grandfather). 

PS Dear Bob - I saw that your response to the criticism was to say that you intended your column to be regarded as satire and that people are too sensitive, they take offence too easily. Well Bob, a key ingredient of satire, I am sure you are aware, is humour. Satire is usually clever too and I have to say that I didn't find your column funny or clever. I suspect that you didn't either.

See here:


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