
Showing posts from February, 2024

Comparing the articles of Te Tiriti-o-Waitangi with the ACT Party’s proposed principles, Feb 2024

The ACT Party has proposed a ‘Treaty Principles Bill’ which they assert ‘would restore the mana of our founding document by ensuring it delivers what it originally promised in 1840: nga tikanga katoa rite tahi – the same rights and duties for all New Zealanders.’  They further explain: The Treaty Principles Bill will not change the Treaty itself. That was set in 1840 and will remain forever. What we are seeking to do is continue the process of defining the Treaty principles, for the first time incorporating the voices of all people through a democratic Parliamentary process, instead of through the Tribunal or the courts. See here for the source of these quotes and for further information from the ACT Party: The ACT Party have placed three proposed principles on their website and it is helpful to compare these proposed principles with the actual texts of both Te Tiriti-o-Waitangi and the Treaty of Waitangi. Please note that the principles that appear on the ACT P